Impact Reviva Wildflower Seed Mix 1kg
Impact Reviva Wildflower Seed Mix 1kg combines the rich foliage texture of leafy plants with nitrogen fixing leguminous species, producing vigorous ground cover vegetation and improving soil fertility. This vegetative cover and root growth reduces soil erosion and the leaching of valuable soil nutrients over the winter. Weed seeds are less likely to establish, through competition and this may lead to less herbicide applications the following spring.
Impact Reviva Wildflower Seed Mix 1kg combines the rich foliage texture of leafy plants with nitrogen fixing leguminous species, producing vigorous ground cover vegetation and improving soil fertility. This vegetative cover and root growth reduces soil erosion and the leaching of valuable soil nutrients over the winter. Weed seeds are less likely to establish, through competition and this may lead to less herbicide applications the following spring.
Impact Reviva Wildflower Seed Mix 1kg can be a beneficial crop between annual cultures of Impact urban meadow mixes, sown in September and cultivated into the soil the following April. It can also be spring sown to protect topsoil piles and improve soils that would otherwise be bare of vegetation and susceptible to weed infestation. Reviva has not been designed specifically for its flower display. However species such as Purple Tansy, Lucerne, Sainfoin and Crimson Clover attract bees in great numbers to their flowers.
Pack size
Sowing rate
2.5 – 3.5g/m2
Pack coverage
300 – 400m2