Green-tech supplies tree-planting materials to create a canine-friendly 30-acre woodland
Project: Beechgrove Doggy Wood
Location: Banbridge, County Down
Client: IndiWoods Woodland Consultancy
Products/Services Supplied: Tubex Easywrap Tree Shelters, Canes
IndiWoods Ltd woodland consultancy is based in Co Armagh and works with farmers and landowners throughout Northern Ireland to encourage native woodland planting.
Owned and managed by Carolyn Trimble who has over 20 years of experience in creating native woodland, throughout Northern England and Northern Ireland. Carolyn and her team are proud to have planted over 2 million native trees thus far.
In 2022, IndiWoods woodland consultancy created an amazing woodland planted on the outskirts of Banbridge, Co Down. It comprised 12 hectares of agricultural land which was planted as a native woodland known as Beechgrove Doggy Wood, to extend and enhance the hugely successful Doggy Fun Park next door. Beechgrove Woods features activity trails amongst the trees for dogs to enjoy.
A long-standing customer of Green-tech since 2006, IndiWoods purchased circa 22,000 Tubex Easywrap Tree Shelters and canes to protect the newly planted trees from rabbits and hares. The Easywrap tree shelter is a polypropylene tree wrap that can be recycled once it has served its purpose. They are designed for plants where lateral growth is important low down. As the tree grows, the Tubex Easywrap expands and opens, allowing the branches to grow sidewards. It retains moisture and heat around the plant and protects it from small animals, as well as chemical sprays, to improve survival rates.
Beechgrove Doggy Wood has been created on 30 acres and has woodland trails and endless areas to explore, it provides dog lovers with the opportunity to sponsor a tree for life and dedicate it to their pet.
I am passionate about encouraging native woodland planting throughout Northern Ireland and have worked with Green-tech for almost two decades to fulfill my requirements for tree planting and protection materials. Their customer service is excellent, and they always deliver what I need, when I need it, so I would happily recommend them. The owners of Beechgrove Doggy Wood are delighted with their woodland, and I loved being involved in it. We used native species to help strengthen and diversify the local ecosystem and I am thrilled with how well it has been received.
Carolyn Trimble
IndiWoods Woodland Consultancy