Green-tech signs sole UK Distribution deal for TerraCottem Arbor
Leading specialist soil conditioning company TerraCottem has launched TerraCottem Arbor specifically formulated for trees and shrubs and Green-tech has announced their new sole UK distributor agreement for this product at SoilsCon 2017.
This innovative soil improver product fits well into Green-tech’s portfolio of products for trees and shrubs. A leading supplier to the landscaping, forestry and amenity markets, Green-tech invests heavily in product development and supplier relationships to ensure it continues to offer its customer the best products available.
The brand new product combines new features with proven technology. Inclusion of humic acids is central to the latest formulation to further enhance water retention capacity and importantly tree specific fertilisers.
The fertilisers with their lifespan of up to 12 months feature a starter fertiliser for rapid plant establishment and a synthetic nitrogen fertiliser, which in combination with the humic acids improves soil structure and microbiological activity.
TerraCottem Arbor provides the plant with critical support over the first two years after planting to give increased survival rates. The increase in root and plant growth significantly reduces the need for irrigation and importantly reduces the user’s input costs and need for replacements.
Speaking on behalf of Green-tech, Chairman Richard Kay said,
“I am delighted that Green-tech has sole rights to distribute TerraCottem Arbor in the UK. It’s a fabulous product and I am confident it will be well received by our customers. Pre-launch trials have shown the distinct advantages of using this innovative soil conditioner. It had an extremely positive effect on tree growth and survival, especially when the soil conditions are challenging. The use of TerraCottem Arbor will be even more important in areas that are suffering from water deficits. It is particularly suitable for improving woody plants in urban locations, landscaping, reforestation, motorway planting and environmental restoration projects.”
TerraCottem Arbor has undergone rigorous testing including outdoor and laboratory trials which have been endorsed and certified by RTD institutions: Forest Sciences Central of Catalonia, Centexbel and Central National de la Recherche Scientifique, in the framework of the Sustaffor* project.
The soil conditioner is applied only once at planting time. The prescribed dose is 40 g/tree for young seedlings up to 60 cm high and 100-200 g/tree for larger seedlings (1-2 m high). TerrraCottem Arbor is in stock and available in 20 kg bags. Buy Online Today